Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Little Glitter

Today, with lots of my own homework to do, I ended up spending most of the day making a solar system diarama. Gabriela and I painted the inside of a cardboard box black while José painted the eight planets. Yes, eight planets. When I made MY solar system diarama in elementary school, there were nine. Poor Pluto, though, has been downgraded. My, how things change.

I had to fight the instinct to do it all myself, making the proportion of planets to Sun perfect, etc. It wasn't MY project. And if it took a little longer waiting for José to tie the fishing line to the metal hooks, so be it. That's what Sunday afternoons are for.

Highlight of the day? As Gabi and I made stars out of glitter (every project needs a little glitter), José said, "I love my family." I do, too. I really do.


  1. That sounds like such a wonderful moment!

  2. I love your sharing. You provide a lot of the real kernel of loving a child, no matter gay, straight, whatever. You have a unique perspective. Thanks for being so human, so real, Saturdays, Sundays, any day.
