Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Becoming an Adult

Three years ago, at the age of 29, I finally felt like I was becoming a responsible adult. Gone were my crazy 20s when the only other living thing in my apartment was whatever was growing in the lonely take-out container in the fridge. After years of living by myself, I had moved in with my partner, Mateo. We grocery shopped. I even cut coupons. Responsible, I'm telling you. A real adult.

Mateo had two kids that lived in Mexico, José (age 6) and Gabriela (age 4). I knew that from the start. And I saw how painful it was for him not to be with them. He got depressed a lot. It got pretty bad one day, so I decided he needed a distraction. In my infinite wisdom, I took him to see a movie. Under the Same Moon. If you haven't seen it, it's a great movie. About a little boy in Mexico who misses his mother who's working in the United States. Not the best distraction, needless to say. Three days later Mateo was on a plane to Mexico to get his kids.

José and Gabriela came to live with us. Full-time. In the span of six weeks, I went from finally feeling I could take care of myself to being responsible for the lives of two children. Those first days, weeks and months were quite an adjustment. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm still adjusting.

1 comment:

  1. I am going through some similar things. I am 25 and I feel I am not an adult yet. I have a gf in Mexico that has a 3 year boy. We both love each other, but I am a grad student with no job. I feel that I need to bring my gf to the United States with her child so we can live together.

    You mentioned that your partner went to Mexico and 6 weeks later he came with his kids? How did he come to the USA? This is a positive story, thanks for the post.
